Health Insurance

For all international students (studies and traineeships) insurance coverage is mandatory. Basic coverage might be provided by the national health insurance of the participant. However, the coverage may not be sufficient, especially in case of repatriation and specific medical intervention. In that case, a complementary private insurance might be useful. It is the responsibility of the sending institution of the student to ensure that the participant is aware of health insurance issues.

For EU Citizens

Students from the European Union /or from the European Economic Area are required to bring their valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to Hungary. 
This free card gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country.

For Non-EU Citizens

In case you are coming from a non-EU country it is advised to buy a private all inclusive health insurance coverage for the whole length of planned stay in your home country before starting your journey.
Please, take care that this insurance also have to meet the requirements of the residence permit application procedure since the immigration law requires you to take out a health insurance during your stay in Hungary. For more information, please click here

If you are Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship or a Scholarsip Programme for Christian Young People holder, you are eligible for both "TAJ card" (non-private health insurance) and supplementary (private) health insurance. After enrollment please start arranging them both! In case you need help with the procedure, please contact your Faculty Coordinator.


In the framework of International Credit Mobility, health insurance is not sufficient, the student might provide the following types of insurance as well:

Liability insurance coverage

Optional for studies, mandatory for traineeships: Acknowledgement must be made that liability insurance coverage (covering damages caused by the student at the workplace [/study place if foreseen for studies]) has been organised and of how it has been organised.

A liability insurance covers damages caused by the student during his/her stay abroad (independently whether he/she is at work or not). It is the responsibility of the sending/receiving institution to check that there is liability insurance covering in a mandatory way at least damages caused by the participant at the work place.


Accident insurance coverage

Optional for studies, mandatory for traineeships: Acknowledgement must be made that accident insurance coverage related to the student's tasks (covering at least damages caused to the student at the workplace [/study place if foreseen for studies]) has been organised and of how it has been.

This insurance covers damages to employees resulting from accidents at work. In many countries employees are covered against such accidents at work. It is the responsibility of the sending institution to check that insurance against accidents at work has been organised. If the receiving organisation does not provide such a coverage (which cannot be imposed if not made compulsory by the national regulation of the receiving country), the sending/receiving institution shall ensure that the student is covered by such an insurance.


For further information please check the websites of your Faculty:

Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Law and Political Sciences